Fineman PR Wins 2016 Bulldog Award


It’s award season in the PR industry, and we are proud to update you on recognition for Fineman PR’s work over the past year.

The best news first: our agency is honored to receive a Media Relations award from the prominent PR industry outlet Bulldog Reporter. Fineman PR won “Best Campaign Under $50,000” in the Bulldog Bronze category for our work with HNTB – lead designer of the San Francisco 49ers’ Levi’s Stadium. This will be Fineman PR’s third Bulldog Award in two years.

Earlier this month, we told you about becoming a Holmes Report 2016 Sabre Awards, North America finalist. We’re also a finalist for Ragan’s PR Daily Media Relations Awards 2016 in the category of Brand Messaging or Positioning for our Foster Farms Raises National Thanksgiving Turkey Fit for a President(ial Pardon) campaign.

It takes a village to run a successful campaign, and from producing events to digital/social impact, we are so proud of our teams’ work for masterful execution on these stellar projects.




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